February 26, 2023

What are the new rule changes for 2023?

What are the new rule changes for 2023?
Table of contents

There were some significant rule changes introduced at the start of 2023.  Let’s review them together:

Spin Serves (Rule 4.A.5)


2022 was all the rage with people learning how to put a wicked spin on the ball when they served.  That has been put to a stop.  It was creating havoc at all levels, especially at local courts where people just wanted to have fun and get into some rallies.

From the Official USA Pickleball Rulebook:

Manipulating the ball to add spin during the release of the ball is not allowed. Some natural rotation of the ball when it is released is allowable, but the server must not impart manipulation or spin prior to striking the ball to serve. This applies to the volley serve and the drop serve.

Rule 4.A.5

The serve shall be made with only one hand releasing the ball. While some natural rotation of the ball is expected during any release of the ball from the hand, the server shall not impart manipulation or spin on the ball with any part of the body immediately prior to the serve.

Exceptions: Any player may use their paddle to perform the drop serve (see Rule 4.A.8.a). A player who has the use of only one hand may also use their paddle to release the ball to perform the volley serve.


Apparel (Rules 2.G.1/2.G.4)


Now, for me, yellow was never my best color and I never thought “hey, why not dress up like a Pickleball to distract my opponent!”  But, as the adage goes, if you’re notch eating, you’re not trying and enough people were wearing attire that was distracting to opponents.  No more.

From the USA Pickleball Rulebook:

Inappropriate apparel may now include apparel that approximates the color of the tournament ball. Section 1 encourages players to avoid wearing apparel that approximates the color of the ball. The Tournament Director retains the right to require an apparel change during a non-chargeable time-out.

Rule 2.G

2.G.1. Safety and Distraction. A player may be required to change apparel that is inappropriate, including that which approximates the color of the ball.

2.G.2. Depictions. Graphics, insignias, pictures, and writing on apparel must be in good taste.

2.G.3. Footwear. Shoes must have soles that do not mark or damage the court’s playing surface.

2.G.4. Violation. The Tournament Director has the authority to enforce apparel changes. If the Tournament Director enforces an apparel change, it will be a non-chargeable time-out. If the player refuses to comply with the apparel rules, the Tournament Director may declare a for feit of the match.


Replay or Fault on the Serve (Rules 4.A.6/4.A.9)


During tournament play or games with an official, if the referee believes a serve may be illegal, the ref has the right to call for are play.  A player may not make the call, only the referee can.


From the USA Pickleball Rulebook:

The referee has the authority to immediately stop play and order a replay if the referee is not certain that one more required elements of a serve have been met. The referee will call an immediate fault if a serve clearly violates one or more of the requirements.
The intent is to induce players to adjust their serve so that it clearly and obviously meets all requirements.


Rule 4.A.6

In officiated matches, the server’s release of the ball must be visible to the referee and receiver. In matches without a referee, the server’s release of the ball must be visible to the receiver. There is no fault if the release is not visible to the referee or receiver.

Rule 4.A.9

Rule 4.A.9 Replay or Fault. In officiated matches, the referee may call for a replay if they are not certain that one or more of the requirements of the serve has been met. The replay must be called before the return of serve.

The referee shall call a fault if they are certain that one or more of the requirements of the serve, other than Rule 4.A.6, has not been met. In non-officiated matches, if the receiver determines that manipulation of spin has been imparted prior to the serve, or the release of the ball is not visible, the receiver may call for a replay before the return of serve.

In non-officiated matches, the receiver has no authority to call for replays or faults for service motion violations.


Equipment Time-Outs (Rule 10.D)


From the USA Pickleball Rulebook:

Players are not required to use a regular time-out for equipment adjustments or changes necessary for fair and safe continuation of the match. The referee will call an equipment time-out of a reasonable duration.

Rule 10.D

10.D. Equipment Time-Outs. Players are expected to keep all apparel and equipment in good playable condition. If the referee determines that an equipment change or adjustment is necessary for fair and safe continuation of the match, the referee may award an equipment time-out of reasonable duration. Rule 10.A.5 will be used to continue play. In non-officiated matches, players will work out a reasonable accommodation among themselves for equipment malfunctions.

10.D.1. Apparel and equipment adjustments that can be accomplished quickly are allowed between rallies (e.g., tying shoelaces, cleaning glasses, adjusting hat).


Asking Questions about Correct Server, Receiver or Position (Rule 4.B.8)


If you’ve ever played in a tournament, you may have wondered if you’re in the right spot before a serve and whether you’re the correct person to be serving because if you’re wrong, you will automatically lose the serve.

This 2023 adjustment is meant to help the player by being able to ask “Am I good?” to the referee and get a response to both questions.


From the USA Pickleball Rulebook:


Player questions about correct server, receiver or position remain allowed before the serve is hit. A generic question by the server such as “Am I good?” is considered to encapsulate both the correct server question and the correct position question, and the referee will answer both questions. In non-officiated play, a player may ask the opponent the same questions and the opponent must respond with the appropriate information.


Rule 4.B.8

Rule 4.B.8 Before the serve occurs, any player may ask the referee for the score, who is the correct server or receiver or whether any player is in an incorrect position. A generic question such as “Am I good?” maybe asked and shall be considered to encapsulate both the correct server question and the correct position question if asked by the serving team. For non-officiated play, a player may ask the opponent the same questions and the opponent shall respond with the appropriate information.


Wrong Score Called (Rule 4.K)


Did your opponent incorrectly say the score before they served the ball?  Now you have until you hit the return of serve to have it replayed. Also, if you stop the rally but then realize the person did cite the correct score, it is considered a fault and you will lose the point.  Basically, this is only for tournaments and if your casual rec game follows a rule like this, you might want to find a more relaxed playing group!


From the USA Pickleball Rulebook:


If the wrong score is called, the referee or any player may stop play before the return of serve to correct the score. It is a fault to stop play after the return of serve to identify or ask for a score correction. It is a fault to stop play to identify or ask for a score correction when the score was correctly called.


Rule 4.K

Rule 4.K. Wrong Score Called. If the wrong score is called, the referee or any player may stop play before the return of serve to correct the score. The rally shall be replayed with the correct score called. After the return of serve, play shall continue to the end of the rally and the score correction made before the next serve.

After the return of serve, a player who stops play to identify or ask for a score correction will have committed a fault and shall lose the rally. A player who stops play at any time to identify or ask for a score correction when the score was correctly called will have committed a fault and shall lose the rally.

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