Review: Gearbox CP7 Pickleball Paddle

Gearbox CP7 Pickleball Paddle
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  • Excellent value for the price
  • Longer handle for extra reach
  • Heavier paddle gives more punch to banging shots
  • Not as durable as the 100% fiberglass models
  • Smaller grip circumference

$ 79.99 USD
This is a good paddle choice if you're looking to balance cost and paddle quality. A longer reach paddle and great for a solid banging game.
Paddle Length
Paddle Weight
Paddle Width
Handle Length
Grip Circumference
16 1/2"
7.8oz (Green) - 8.5oz (Blue)
7 3/8"
Accepted payment methods
Gearbox CP7 Pickleball PaddleGearbox CP7 Pickleball PaddleGearbox CP7 Pickleball Paddle


Excellent value at $99.99

Average User Rating

Players love this paddle and are passionate about it


Not a power paddle but a great compliment if you already have a power shot


Balanced Cost and Quality and Performance

Product Review:

With the CP7, Gearbox has put together a solid paddle at an affordable price.

Do you know much about bees? Well, Gearbox must have studied them because this paddle has a honeycomb core which packs a punch for those of you who like a stronger shot. This paddle features a carbon fiber and glass fiber face with a 7mm x 12mm Polypropylene core (bonus points if you can convert that to inches and you can explain to me what Polypropylene is).

The CP7 is a heavier paddle and that will add punch and power to your shots. I love a firmer paddle and I like how solid it feels. But it can take a toll if you are playing a long set of games. Heavier paddles are great for the player who has a faster swing.

The elongated face will help you reach that lob that's been just out of reach or when you need that extra length for a dink from the non-volley zone line.

Paddle Owner Reviews and Comments

Overall, the CP7 paddle gets high marks. Verified buyer comments include:

  • "...perfect for someone who wants to try out an elongated shaped paddle"
  • "...paddle is heavier than others I’ve used but it is great for handling shots banged at you"
  • "I'm playing better because of this paddle"

Final Thoughts:

This is a great paddle for an intermediate player who is looking to up their game at a great price point. Gearbox is one of most popular Pickleball manufacturers and would serve you well. It has fantastic reach.

The paddle has an active face which will give you punch on your banging shots but if you're looking for a softer game, then you should look elsewhere.

And for those who didn't convert the mm to inches, the 13mm core is 0.51 inches. :-)